Health Care

Health Care

Competition, specialisation, cost control: numerous developments in the health care sector require an approach that includes a thorough knowledge of the sector and its specific regulations. We advise, among other things, on entering into and organizing a new cooperative venture. We look at governance. How can the organisation be transparently and efficiently structured? What legal form best fits that structure? How are quality and supervision safeguarded, and what is the best way to arrange the relationship with the medical specialists? Which developments in the area of financing, real estate, funding and fee rates are important for your institution? In addition, privacy, employee participation, recognition of education/qualifications, government employment and employment law all play their own part within the health care sector.

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Wieringa’s health care specialists have various backgrounds and expertise. The common factor among them is extensive experience in the care sector. They support (academic) hospitals, institutions for rehabilitation and care of the disabled, Municipal Health Services (GGD), and doctor and dental practices. They represent their clients in court, including both civil and administrative courts, and also before grievance or dispute resolution committees, such as the Arbitration Tribunal for Health Care and the Care Institutions Disputes Resolution Committee.

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