Energy transition

Energy transition

By 2030 CO2 (greenhouse gases) emissions must have been reduced by 40% compared to 1990, the share of renewable energy must have been raised by 27% and 30% energy savings must be realized. This transition to sustainable energy sources, such as solar and wind energy, is very complex and has consequences for everyone. Among others for project developers and associations of homeowners: will you get rid of gas entirely and pay more attention to your own production of electricity in the foreseeable future? It is not just a technical and economical challenge, but also a great legal challenge.

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Legal aspects of energy transition

Legislation regarding energy transition is still developing. In the coming years, existing legislation, like the Heating Supply Act and the Mining Act, will be amended to make the transition to sustainable energy possible and new laws will be adopted, such as the Energy Act. The Climate- and energy agreements will also be concluded (on national, European and international level). You can expect us to keep track of these developments closely and to think outside the box when necessary.

The energy transition has common ground with many legal areas, such as Environmental and planning law, association of owners law and tenancy law. Wieringa Advocaten has in-house experts who work seamlessly with each other in these areas and who know the market from various angles.

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