Employment Law

Employment Law

The field of employment law is not limited to solely labor disputes. Our employment law attorneys focus on corporate labor law, including employee benefits and transactions. Additionally, we have specialists who are fully dedicated to employee participation. Client interests and the quality of service are paramount in each specialty.

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Corporate employment law, co-determination & benefits

Strategy is key. Whether it concerns dismissals, acquisitions, staff retention, or otherwise. We are the board’s right hand and the sparring partner of human resources. We provide advice and litigate on, among other things:

  • Reorganizations.
  • Appointment and dismissal of directors.
  • Employee participation and share incentives.
  • Bonus plans and retention plans.
  • Due diligence investigations.
  • Employee participation structures.
  • Works council advisory and/or consent processes.
  • Union negotiations.
  • Collective bargaining negotiations.
  • Individual dismissal cases.
  • Pension disputes.
  • (International) secondment.
  • Contracts and employment conditions.
  • Anti-harrassment cases.
  • Codes of conduct and guidelines.
  • Privacy.
  • Non-compete and non-solicitation clauses.
  • Harmonization of employment conditions.
  • Disability.

Our clients are medium-sized, large, and publicly traded companies. We also regularly represent senior employees. Our clients are active in various sectors, including retail, IT, energy, and transport.

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