
Employment law in NL: Part 6 Collective Labor Agreements (CLAs)

Understanding Collective Labour Agreements in the Netherlands

The Dutch labour market is regulated by various legal frameworks designed to ensure fair treatment, decent wages, and good working conditions. Among these frameworks, collective labour agreements (collectieve arbeidsovereenkomsten or CAOs) play a crucial role. In this blog I will explain in a short overview what a CLA entails.

What is a Collective Labour Agreement (CLA)?

A CLA is a written agreement between employers (or employer organizations) and employee unions. It sets out employment terms such as wages, working hours, holiday allowances, pension contributions, and other job-related benefits. These agreements apply to specific industries, sectors, or even individual companies.

How are CLAs negotiated?

Negotiating a CLA involves collective bargaining between employers’ associations and trade unions. Both parties meet periodically to discuss employment conditions and reach a mutually acceptable agreement. Once signed, the CAO becomes binding for all employers and employees within the scope of the agreement.

Types of CLAs in the Netherlands

There are two primary types of CLAs:

  1. Sector-Specific CLAs: These cover an entire industry or sector, such as healthcare, retail, or construction. Employers within the sector can be bound to apply this CLA through different methods as explained below.
  2. Company-Specific CLAs: These apply to a single company or organization. Large corporations often negotiate their own CLAs directly with unions.

Legal Framework and Binding Nature

In the Netherlands, CLAs can be declared legally binding by the Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment. This declaration ensures that all employers within a specific sector must adhere to the CLA, even if they are not members of the negotiating employer’s association.

Alternatively, CLAs can apply if the employer is a member of the employers’ association who agreed upon a CLA with the unions. Furthermore, CLAs can apply if the employer incorporated its applicability into the employees’ employment agreements.

Key Elements of a CLA

Typical provisions found in a CLA include:

  • Wages and Salary Increments: Minimum pay and scheduled raises.
  • Working Hours: Standard working hours and permissible overtime.
  • Leave and Holidays: Annual leave, maternity/paternity leave, and sick leave policies.
  • Pensions and Insurance: Contributions to pension funds and insurance coverage.
  • Health and Safety Standards: Measures to ensure workplace safety.

Why Are CLAs Important?

For employees, Clas guarantee fair employment conditions, job security, and protection against arbitrary changes in work terms. For employers, they provide clear guidelines and help prevent labour disputes (although currently there are a lot of disputes between employers and unions e.g. on wage increases). Moreover, CLAs contribute to industrial peace and a stable labour market.


Collective labour agreements are in some sectors a cornerstone of employment relations. The intention is that they promote fairness and stability by ensuring that employees receive equitable working conditions while giving employers clear regulatory frameworks to follow. Understanding the CLA system helps both employees and employers navigate the Dutch labour market effectively and maintain a harmonious working environment.

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Employment law in NL: Part 6 Collective Labor Agreements (CLAs)